Sunday, December 17, 2006

October 2006 - Barnes and Noble browsing - The realization

Weekend afternoons, when I am in between errands with the family, I find myself looking for a break spot while the other browsers in the family are still at their own stores. Barnes and Noble fits the bill nicely.

Invariably, no matter how hard I try to do to expand my browsing scope, I gravitate slowly to the Technology section.

What caught my eye this time was the shelf space Rails was getting. It was not just one book, there were several! The Agile book, a Recipes Book, the Pickaxe book, The Ruby Way, Up and Running with Ruby on Rails, Ruby for Rails, the list went on.

This was not going to implode, it was an explosion, and now the books were there to back this up. Obviously the conscensus is that there is an audience for all these books.

I got home and did some more browsing, and wow! Rails was everywhere. There were blogs, to do's, plenty of code. This reminded me of Java in 1997. This was unreal.

There had to be more than hype. It was time to get serious with Rails.

I ordered everybook there was on Rails and setup a schedule to teach myself Rails by year's end. I had to get a handle on what the hype was all about.

This blog, will detail my journey as I continue to immerse myself in this technology.

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